Legal Mediation Services – What does this mean ?

Mediation is an important part of the legal system in most countries and it can be a viable solution to various conflicts. During mediation, two or more parties meet with a neutral party to find a common solution for their situation and manage their differences. The Role of a Mediator in the Process The mediator […]

What are PRO services in Dubai?

When you are looking for legal services in Dubai, you will notice the market is full of them. But are they all the high quality you need to be able to count on them? This is not always the case. At Hikmat Fayad & Associates, you only have PRO services in Dubai and the best […]


The Four Pillars of Success in Business

There are many ways to calculate a business’s net present value today, yet rarely will one ever learn how to conceive a value creating entity by merely understanding how to calculate it’s worth. A few things one must really consider, the first thing to be aware of is that value and value creation are totally […]